• How to rediscover your purpose in life

  • The 4 things I did to improve my mental health

  • How to start your journey of self discovery

  • 6 things you're doing that only make your rumination worse

How to rediscover your purpose in life

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The 4 things I did to improve my mental health

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How to start your journey of self discovery

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6 things you're doing that only make your rumination worse

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How to rediscover your purpose in life

    If you’re a follower of my blog then you already know that there was a time in my life when I felt completely lost. Anxiety and depression had...

The 4 things I did to improve my mental health

I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for years. But over time, I’ve learned some techniques and strategies that have helped me take charge of my life. These were 4 of the first things I did... 

Why we struggle with self-love

Learn why self-love can be such a struggle. And get tips for cultivating self-love and self-compassion.

Unlock the Secret to true happiness: How a Growth Mindset Can Transform Your Life Forever

Now you may be reading that title and wondering  what on earth does a having a growth mindset have to do with being happy?  Quite a lot actually. ...

The first steps I took to healing from my anxiety

So, I want to share what I did to start my journey of healing and I hope that this inspires you to take your own first steps.

You can follow the steps I took or figure out some of your own. Whatever works for you, as long as you’re moving forward. 

How to create a vision board for your life

Here's how to create a vision board for your life and the key to manifesting your dream life

Understanding anxiety

Here is a list of questions that people with anxiety often get asked.  If you have a loved one that is living with anxiety, and you are struggling to understand it, then these questions and answers may help you understand what they are going through and why they act the way they do.

Learning how to live with your anxiety

Learning how to manage your anxiety and take back your life begins with understanding your triggers and symptoms. Here's what to do...

How to avoid getting overwhelmed when you have anxiety

 It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, but you don't have to let it ruin or run your life. Here are 9 ways to prevent yourself from getting totally overwhelmed ...

7 ways you could be making yourself unhappy

Discover what obstacles are holding you back from being truly happy...

6 Things you're doing that only makes your rumination worse

These are 6 of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to stop negative self-talk...

4 ways to boost your self-confidence and how this helps with your anxiety and depression

Learn how to care for your mental health while developing a sense of self.