Johara's story

For over 20 years of my life I’ve lived with crippling anxiety and depression, so it’s fair to say that anxiety is no stranger to me.

Thinking back on those years is incredibly painful for me because my anxiet held me back in so many ways. It affected every decision I made and I’d do anything to get those years back.
But since I can’t, the next best thing is to reclaim my future and not let my past hold me back anymore.

Learning the hard way

My healing process has been a long and difficult one and it didn't help that I struggled to find a therapist who could help. After years of struggling I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

The real turning point in my journey was when I realised that I was in fact struggling with anxiety and PTSD since I didn't know what was ‘wrong’ with me before this. 

This gave me a starting point to work from and I began researching and trying out every anxiety management strategy I could find information on. My main focus for the last 6 years had been learning how to overcome my anxiety so that I could move on with my life, and finally ‘start’ my life afresh. 

What worked for me

One surprising thing that I discovered about my anxiety was that there is no one size fits all remedy for it. That’s because we each experience it in different ways.
So instead of trying to find that ‘one size fits all’ remedy I started focusing one my symptoms and how I was experiencing my anxiety,

I started by going to a trauma councelor who helped me work through the PTSD.
Then I dug deep and took a look at the way I was experiencing my anxiety.

After that I threw myself into reseach to find out how to heal these ‘emotional scars’. I practiced every strategy I found till something worked.

After finding and applying these strategies, my whole inner-world changed. I'm not the broken person I once was. I feel stronger, more confident and more positive about my life. The world isn't a scary place anymore and my anxiety feels like a distant memory now.

We don't gatekeep here

And because I don't gatekeep, I wrote down each of the strategies that worked for me and published them here, so that I could help others going through what I went through for so many years.

Now, because we each experience anxiety differently, you might have a different set of anxiety symotoms to me, or maybe just have one or 2 that are the same. This is why I decided to write severl different ebooks instead of just one.

My ebooks are tailored to fit different anxiety symptoms, and you can pick and choose which ones fit your needs or invest in a book bundle that will help you with a particular aspect of your life.


Still new to it all? No worries, baby steps count as steps too. Get started with bite sized pieces of advice and information through my blog articles.


- Books & bundles -

To help you find your feet I've written ebooks covering the strategies I use to help me manage my anxiety. And, if you're up for it, You can take on several strategies at once through my book bundles.


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Take a step back and explore my website a bit more. You'll find articles and resources in every corner.
