Mental Health

Self care for your mental health - put yourself first

Start making yourself a priority superchare your mental well-being. Discover the art of transforming your life.

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Stop feeling overwhelmed - everyday strategies to getting more done without getting overwhelmed

Discover the secrets to seizing control of your day, being the boss of your time and conquering your goals without the weight of constant overwhelm. Grab your copy now!

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How to lose your social anxiety

Get ready to crush social anxiety and unlock your full potential. Don't let life slip through your fingers anymore, get your copy now! 

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From the Blog

How to rediscover your purpose in life

    If you’re a follower of my blog then you already know that there was a time in my life when I felt completely lost. Anxiety and depression had...

Why we struggle with self-love

Learn why self-love can be such a struggle. And get tips for cultivating self-love and self-compassion.

The first steps I took to healing from my anxiety

So, I want to share what I did to start my journey of healing and I hope that this inspires you to take your own first steps.

You can follow the steps I took or figure out some of your own. Whatever works for you, as long as you’re moving forward. 

Understanding anxiety

Here is a list of questions that people with anxiety often get asked.  If you have a loved one that is living with anxiety, and you are struggling to understand it, then these questions and answers may help you understand what they are going through and why they act the way they do.

Learning how to live with your anxiety

Learning how to manage your anxiety and take back your life begins with understanding your triggers and symptoms. Here's what to do...

The real truth about Rumination vs reflection

Learn how to distinguish between rumination and reflection so that you can start to overcome the harmful effects of rumination

New reasons for you to stop ruminating

Learn about rumination and the harmful effects that repetitive negative thinking has on our mental health...

How your rumination is holding you back in life

Did you know that your rumination could actually be holding you back in life? Here's how...

6 Things you're doing that only makes your rumination worse

These are 6 of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to stop negative self-talk...

The easiest way to stop ruminating and start living

Learn the 5 steps you need to take to break the cycle of negative thoughts and improve your mental health...

What to do when a day gets overwhelming

So, how do you  reach your goals without getting totally overwhelmed and burnt out? In this article I'll show you exactly how to get this right...