How to rediscover your purpose in life



If you’re a follower of my blog then you already know that there was a time in my life when I felt completely lost. Anxiety and depression had taken a toll on me, leaving me uninspired and uncertain about my future. I knew deep down that I wanted more from life—something that would bring me true joy and fulfillment, something that felt aligned with who I was meant to be. But at that moment, I couldn’t see a clear path forward.

It was a dark and confusing time in my life, but I realized that if I wanted to reclaim my life, I had to start with some serious self-reflection. Here’s how I started this part of my journey.

Taking a step back

The first thing I decided to do was to take a step back and take a good look at what I already had going for me. I grabbed a notebook and started writing down everything I knew I was good at. I didn’t censor myself or downplay my abilities—this was about being honest and acknowledging my strengths, no matter how insignificant they might have seemed at the time.

This exercise was a game-changer. For the first time in a long while, I could see my abilities and talents laid out before me, and it was incredibly empowering. It was like holding a mirror up to my potential, reflecting all the things I could be if I allowed myself to believe in them.

After listing my strengths, I started thinking about the resources available to me. I asked myself, “What do I have right now that could help me move forward?” This could be anything from the support of friends and family, to access to learning materials or even just the time and energy I could dedicate to personal growth. Seeing these resources clearly helped me realize that I wasn’t as stuck as I had thought. I had options, and I had the power to use them to create change in my life.


With my strengths and resources in mind, I began to notice sparks of inspiration. Ideas started popping into my head at random moments—ideas about what I could do with the skills I had and how I could turn them into something meaningful. I made it a habit to jot down these ideas whenever they came to me, without overthinking or judging them. Later, I went through my notes and reflected on which ideas resonated most deeply with the vision of the person I wanted to become.

But it wasn’t just about dreaming big; I also knew I needed to confront the things that could potentially hold me back. 

The obstacles

I took a hard look at the obstacles in my life—both external and internal—that might stand in my way. For example, I recognized the toxic relationships that had been draining my energy and confidence. These were the people who always had something negative to say, who dismissed my dreams, or who seemed to find joy in bringing me down. Acknowledging these challenges was tough, but it was necessary.

I then thought about strategies that I could use to overcome them. I didn’t want to be caught off guard if these obstacles resurfaced, so I came up with practical solutions. Whether it was setting boundaries, distancing myself from negative influences, or simply building a support system of people who uplifted me, I made sure I had a plan. Even though I didn’t need to use every strategy I came up with, just knowing that I had options gave me a sense of security and the courage to keep pushing forward.

The shift

As I continued writing everything down, something amazing happened—it all started to feel more real. I began to gravitate towards using the skills I was naturally good at, and gradually, I found myself taking actionable steps toward my goals. This process wasn’t overnight, and it wasn’t always easy, but it was transformative.

I rediscovered my purpose through this journey of self-reflection, planning, and gradual action. And while everyone’s path is different, I believe that the steps I took can help you too. If you’re feeling lost or uncertain about your future, start by acknowledging your strengths and resources. Write them down, reflect on them, and use them as a foundation to build the life you want. Identify the obstacles in your way, and don’t be afraid to strategize on how to overcome them.

Remember, your purpose is already within you. Sometimes, it just takes a bit of self-discovery and courage to bring it to the surface. You have the power to create a life that resonates with who you truly are—one step, one idea, one action at a time.

If you’re ready to unlock your true potential and find your purpose then you’re going to love this. To make things easier, and faster, for you I’ve put together the exact steps and strategies that I used to transform my life, boost my self-confidence and improve my mental health into an amazing book bundle.

I designed the Unleash Your Potential book bundle to take you step by step through the entire process, with journal prompts and exercises to help you along the way. 

Don’t wait to start living the life you deserve. Grab your bundle now and take the first step towards a more confident, purposeful you!