How your morning routine can help you manage your anxiety

Learning how to manage your anxiety can be a really tricky thing to get right. If you’re anything like me, you’ve already tried every tea, herbal remedy and meditation that family and friends have suggested. 

And if you’re anything like me then none of them worked. 

But don’t worry, it’s not you. There’s a good reason that none of these worked out for you. 



Strategies you may have tried 

You see, each one of us goes through anxiety in a different way and to different extremes. For some, a simple calming tea that helps them sleep may be enough to help them manage their anxiety. For others mediating and stealing their thoughts did the trick. 

But, if your anxiety runs so deep that those don't even touch the surface then you will need far stronger strategies to help you recover. That’s because your anxiety may not come from simple daily stress, but from traumatic events in the past. 

Each of us experience our anxiety and depression in our own ways, and each strategy out there may work for some, and not for others. It all depends on the person and where that anxiety came from. That’s why it’s so important to look around and find strategies that make sense to you and what you’re going through.

The magic formula?​ 

Unfortunately, there's no magic pill, formula or strategy that will make all your anxiety go away all at once - if only life were that simple, right? 

But what will help you is having a set of tools. By tools I mean a set of strategies tailored just for you. I find that the best place to start is by first finding the right tools and strategies that work for you, then taking baby steps to implement them. 

The thing is there are so many strategies out there that it’s difficult to know where to begin. With all the overwhelming advice and techniques out there, where do you start? Which do you try first?

Where to begin​

The best place to begin is at the beginning - of your day that is. 

It’s difficult to apply any strategy if you can’t even get yourself out of bed each morning. 

Morning routines are such a powerful tool when it comes to anxiety management. 

A good fulfilling morning routine will help you get out of bed each morning. It’s really such a tiny thing, but it can have a massive impact on your life. 

When I was first learning how to manage my anxiety, even getting out of bed and facing the world was an impossible task. So I began by focusing on a morning routine that helped me face the day. 

I started by planning an easy but delicious breakfast. For me that was eggs and toast. I would wake up each morning hungry, but excited to have my favourite breakfast. 

Then I began to add in some simple exercises. I used exercise DVD’s and that became the second step in my morning routine. 

Once I was used to that I added in some journaling in the form of morning pages.

I slowly tweaked my routine till it became something that literally got me out of bed each morning. The elements in the routine changed as my preferences changed, but one thing remained the same - it was made up of things I was excited to do.

What the perfect morning routine looks like

I realised that the perfect morning routine, one that left me feeling good about myself, and energised for the day, only took a maximum of 1 hour, but it also set the tone for the rest of the day. 

On days that I forgot to do my morning routine, I felt out of sorts, a little lost and I battled to focus.  

Your morning routine actually sets the tone for the rest of the day too. What you do in the morning will determine the kind of day you have. That’s why if you have a bad morning, the rest of your day feels crappy too. But if you have an excellent morning you tend to have a better day too. 

 So it makes sense to invest some time, energy and patience into creating the kind of morning routine that will help you get out of bed in the morning. 

That’s why this is the perfect place to start if you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed by your anxiety. 

To help you find your perfect morning routine I’ve created an ebook that outlines the 5 essential steps you need to take to create your perfect routine, as well as a habit tracker that will help you set your new routine as a habit. 



If you’re ready to discover the exact steps I took to conquer procrastination, get more focused in life and find my purpose in life, then my “Unleash Your Potential” ebook bundle is for you. 

This ebook collection is your ultimate guide to unlocking your full potential and crafting the life you've always daydreamed about. 

Let me show you how. Click below to learn more ⇩⇩⇩



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