Why we struggle with self-love

Self-love is a topic that’s going around a lot these days, but with all the tips and tricks on living a better life, and self-care why does it seem harder than ever to achieve? 


Well, there are a few reasons for that.

One of the biggest culprits is anxiety. With the way things are in the world right now it’s normal to feel at least some level of anxiety. But feeling constantly doubtful and fearful can create an overwhelming sense of stress, making it tough to take care of yourself and do things that promote self-love. This makes it hard to give yourself the attention you need to learn to love yourself for who you are. 

Another reason is mental health issues. Depression, for example, can lead to feelings of hopelessness and low self-esteem. And people with conditions like borderline personality disorder may struggle with self-love because of intense feelings of self-hatred and worthlessness. When you're struggling with mental health, it can be hard to practice self-care.

Lastly, some people just don't know how to practice self-care. They might view it as a luxury or a waste of time. But self-care activities like exercise, mindfulness, and spending time outside are essential for promoting self-love.

So, how can you work on loving yourself despite these obstacles? Here are some tips:

Be kind to yourself:

Instead of being hard on yourself, try to treat yourself like you would treat a friend. Be understanding and gentle with yourself, and remember that everyone makes mistakes.


Make self-care a priority:

Schedule time for self-care activities like exercise or spending time with loved ones. These things might seem small, but they can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself.

Get support:

If you're struggling with mental health issues, talk to a therapist or counselor. They can help you figure out why you're having trouble with self-love and give you strategies to work through it.

Question negative thoughts:

When you start thinking negative thoughts about yourself, try to challenge them. Are they really true, or are they just based on a distorted view of yourself?


    In short, self-love isn't always easy, but it's worth working on. By being kind to yourself, prioritizing self-care, seeking support, and questioning negative thoughts, you can start to cultivate a better relationship with yourself. 


    If you’re ready to learn how to nourish your mind and body, boost your self-esteem and take control of your mental health too then my “Thriving from Within” ebook bundle is exactly what you need. 

    Packed with easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides and invaluable printables, this guide to self-care will ensure that you're fully equipped to embark on this transformative journey – no matter where you start.

    Click to learn More ⇩⇩⇩






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