How to create a vision board for your life



If you’re wondering how to create the type of vision board that will help you manifest the kind of life you’re striving for, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article I’m going to show you how to create the type of vision board that will spark real tangible changes in your life. 


If you’re new to vision boarding, this is when you take a bunch of pictures that you can usually find in magazines and travel guides and paste them onto a board along with phrases and words. 

These images and phrases represent what you want from your life and help to keep you inspired, motivated and driven to working towards your goals in life. 

They help remind you of the type of future you’re building for yourself. This kind of motivation is great for your mental health. It takes you beyond the situation you’re in right now, and gives you hope for the future. 

I love using vision boards to help me visualize what I want from my life. I usually create a new one every 2 years, because the things we want from life usually change or shift as we grow and develop. 

A couple of years ago however I decided to take on a slightly new approach to vision boarding, and this little change, changed my life. 

My old way of vision boarding involved flipping through my old magazines and travel brochures picking out any picture that drew me in and piqued my attention. 

These were things I wanted, but I had no idea how I would actually get them or what they really meant.  So it was all pretty random.

So for example one of my posters had a beach, a woman putting on lipstick and some inspirational phrases, among other things. The idea was that one day I’d go on vacation somewhere exotic and tropical, I’d look beautiful and be generally happy.  

It was really just a fun little art project compared to how I approach it now.

These were all great things to wish for, but after a few months that board lost its luster and just ended up at the bottom of a drawer. 

Last year, while doing research for my ebooks, I realized that vision boards can be so much more than just a wish on a piece of paper. They can really be a kind of roadmap for your life and a way to really manifest what you want out of life. 

The thing I like about images is that they really can convey emotions and meaning that would take too many words to explain. That’s what makes art so powerful. There are some things we just can't put into words. So pictures help us feel that again and again, each time we look at them. 

So I took the idea of using images to inspire me and combined it with the goal lists I tend to make embarrassingly often, and used a combination to create a vision board that not only helps me stay focused every day, but that helps me actually manifest and create the kind of life I want. 

So here’s what I did. 


1 - some serious questions

First: I had a serious sit down with myself and asked some difficult questions. 

I wanted to know what I really wanted from my life, what was I prepared to put all my energy into and for what outcome?

So this is where you would take some time and write down what you want from your life. 

This is really just a brain dump of ideas. List everything and anything you want without editing, judging or questioning yourself. You might be surprised at what pops up. 

2: get specific

Then it was time to get specific.

I took a look at the things I wrote down and grouped them into categories they would fit in.

So the aspects of my life I wanted to focus on were my business, upskilling and my health. 

These will be different for you depending on the stage in your life you’re in right now. 

Maybe your family and renewing relationships is important to you right now, maybe learning how to invest and grow your wealth is important to you. Whatever it is, be specific. 

Pick the top 3 areas of your life that you want to focus on this year. This is what you will pay attention to in the next few steps. 


3: get even more specific

Ask yourself what you really want to change

Put into words what you want each of those areas of your life to really be like. 

Be as specific as possible. 

If you want your business to earn 7 figures then write that down. 

Do you want to be able to fit into your wedding dress again? Write that down.

Do you want to be able to go on vacation every 6 months? Write that down.

Being this specific will help you get a clear idea of what you’re working towards. Being as clear as possible will help you actually manifest those goals. 

If you don't know exactly what you want from your life, you could be putting in all the hard work but never get to that point because all your efforts had no clear direction. 

So if you want to lose weight for example, you’d need to ask yourself what outcome you want before picking your exercise routine. Do you want to have long lean muscles or do you want to be able to powerlift? The outcome you want will determine the type of exercises and diets you choose. 

The same goes for every other area of your life. 

So taking this time to find out what direction you’re going in will save you a lot of effort and stress later on in the game. 

What makes a goal different from a wish is that it’s specific and has a deadline. 


4: set deadlines

The difference between goals and wishes is that wishes stay wishes, while goals have a deadline that motivates us to get our asses in gear. 

Deadlines force us to put in the effort to actually achieve and attain that dream. You manifest it through the energy you put into it. 

Think about the goals you set for yourself. How long would it realistically take to get there?  Remember, you can't expect to lose 10kg in a month, but you can do it in 

5: Have a timeline

    Writing down a timeline for each of the goals you set for yourself sets a fire under you and excites you into action. Use that excitement to propel you and push you through all the hard work you’re going to need to do to get there. 

    6: figuring out what you want to put into your vision board

    Before I even pick up a magazine for its pictures, I plan out the kind of pictures or quotes I want to add to my vision board. 

    Ask yourself: What will embody the goals you’ve set out? What will inspire you when you feel demotivated?

    7: Search and create

    Once you know what you want to add to your vision board and what they represent, now it’s time to go through all those magazines.

    Because you’ve got an idea of what you want in your mind certain images and phrases that align with that will jump out at you. 

    Clip out as many as you want then choose the top 3 for each category of your life.

    Picking only a handful means that your vision board won't get so cluttered that your eye can’t settle on anything specific. You want to be able to SEE what you put on your board. So avoid overlapping text. 

    So now you can paste all the images and phrases you found onto your cardboard. I like using an A3 sized board.

    The images you chose will have so much more meaning to you now that you know why you chose them. Keep your vision board and the lists and plans you’ve made somewhere special and meditate on it daily. 

    Use your vision board to make sure that your efforts and the things you do each day align with the goals you set for yourself. This is the real key to manifesting and creating the life you want. 

    You may not have total control of everything that happens in your life, but you do have control over what you put your energy into. 


    If you want a guide for the exact prompts I used to set up my vision board I’ve put them all into a super easy to follow ebook " The Vision Board Workbook" , along with a template for your vision board. 

    Click to learn more -->




    If you’re ready to discover the most powerful toolset for manifesting and creating your future, and wake up each morning with a rock-solid sense of purpose, and crystal-clear clarity, then my “Unleash Your Potential” ebook bundle is for you. 

    This ebook collection is your ultimate guide to unlocking your full potential and crafting the life you've always daydreamed about. 

    Let me show you how. Click below to learn more ⇩⇩⇩



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